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Just like the old saying goes…

Never speak too soon.

As I stated yesterday, work was very easy going. That must have been the calm before the storm.

When going into work, I knew what my agenda was: install software on one computer to be used for 28 other computers tomorrow. Of course, other people have different ideas.

Yesterday, a shipment of 40 computers arrived for another new lab that is suppose to be set up. Since the computers just arrived yesterday, it was assumed by my manager and I that we would not need to set them up until next week, giving me time to finish the lab setups I have already been scheduled to take care of. About 30 minutes after arriving at work, I’m informed that all 40 computers must be ready to set up tomorrow.

Okay. There are already MANY different problems with that. 1.) I have not set up a computer to use as a clone for the other machines yet. 2.) I’m already scheduled to finish the set up of another lab tomorrow. 3.) I was to spend today getting the clone for the other lab set up. Unfortunately, this was a decision supposedly handed down by the Superintendent of the school district.

Oh yeah. I work at a school.

That was just one extra task. I should be able to juggle the both of them. No problem. Of course, I decided to wake up and face reality as I am given another task. About 10 am this morning, I’m told that a server that isn’t being used on our complex anymore is to be moved to another school. Guess when it’s needed? If you said by tomorrow, then you must not be sniffing paint thinner.

I’m going to speak Tech for a second here. It was a Macintosh Server, which meant that it would be an easy task. Only one little problem… the department that owns the server can’t find the original CDs to it. This means I can’t clean the system and deliver it fresh to the new school. Minor set back. It’s all right. I’m sure someone in the district has the CD. More on that a little later.

Remember: everything comes in three’s. Yes. This story won’t end. 😛

So I’m already behind on schedule as it is. About 12:30, I get an e-mail from the Director of the Science Center. An outside company was to come out sometime this month to install special video equipment which is to connect to lab computers. As soon as he found out what day they were coming out, he was to e-mail me. Like I said, I got the e-mail about 12:30 telling me the company is there installing their stuff and one of the lab computers wasn’t getting on the network. That’s just great. So I figured since I’m going to be out, I’d quickly grab lunch and take care of the problem at the Science Center.

When I get there, I notice that the network outlet it was connected to was one I already knew wasn’t working. I knew it wasn’t working before we left for the holidays, but it was too late to put in a work order for that week. I connected that computer to a network outlet I knew was working before I left. Why it was put back into the broken one is beyond me. While there, I asked the guys installing the equipment if they needed anything from the computers. They tell me they don’t need to turn them on or anything. … … … … Yeah… I’m a little pissed at this point.

I get back to my office about 1:30 to discover an e-mail from one of our Techs saying they have the CD I need. GREAT! I call them up and ask them where they’re out. They’re at a school on the other side of West Houston. … blood beginning to boil… For anyone that has visited Houston or lived in Houston know that Interstate 10 isn’t exactly the best freeway to be on any time of the day. A simple 10 mile trip which would only take 10 minutes can take between 30 and 45 minutes. So I shove lunch done my throat and rush other to the other campus. Get there, pick up the CD, rush out of there and get back to my school about 2:45.

As soon as I get back, I grab the server and take it to my office to begin work on. I put the restore CD into the computer… … … … nothing. Shit. I open the machine to discover the CD-ROM is disconnected for whatever reason. I’m all right with that. I reconnect it and restore the system on the computer. Another problem arises: the second hard drive in the computer isn’t showing. Well hell. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. So, I’m there until about 5:30 working on the computer trying to figure out why the hard drive won’t show up. I came to the conclusion that if the second hard drive is connected, the CD-ROM won’t work. If the CD-ROM is connected, the second hard drive won’t work. What a waste of time.

At the same time, I’m working on the two computers that needs to be finished by tomorrow. Everything is running just fine… until the main server that holds all our software is down. It’s 5:30, all the Administrators have gone home, and I’m screwed. About 6:00, I said “fuck it” and went home.

And that was just work. Home was another story, but I’ll save that for another time.

Just to end this on a positive note, I made Mac and Cheese for dinner. Mmmm… Mac and Cheese…

Okay. Sleep time now. Gonna have to wake up early tomorrow. I’m gonna start working out tomorrow again. WOO HOO!!! Don’t be surprised if my subject tomorrow is “*cough cough!!* I *wheeeeezing* like *cough hack cough* working *inhale!* out…” 😛

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