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Where do we go from here?

In life, you run into many crossroads. One path will take you in one direction, while the other path takes you in another. How do you know which path to take? In some cases, you know, but most of the time, you can’t tell where it will lead you. All you can do is hope it is the right direction.

Not much in my life going on in particular other than my job being incredibly ridiculous with what they want me to do. But that’s the same story as always, so I won’t bore anyone with that.

Tonight was the surprise party for my roommate and best friend, Stephanie. It is her 21st birthday. Yep. The big 2-1. Mind you, her birthday was on Thursday, but it’s a little hard to actually have a party since most people would work the next day. For a little over a month, we’ve had been planning this and keeping quiet, which is tough to do when you live with the person you’re throwing the party for. We invited friends, family, and anyone else who has made a difference or impact on her life to help celebrate the occasion. Unfortunately, I didn’t quite know if she really enjoyed it or not. It seems she has a lot on her mind right now, from what she did tell me. I’m not sure what exactly it is that’s tearing her up inside. I really hope everything is okay.

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