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Morning Music Memory

It’s funny how visuals can make you think of songs.

About a year ago, my car was having some issues that prevented me from driving for a bit as it wasn’t recommended I do until I had it fixed up. That required saving money, so I would take the bus to work.

Getting to the stop that would take me to work required crossing a freeway. As it was cold and winter, doing so always reminds me of Sum 41′s “Pieces”.

This scene only shows up for maybe 2 seconds at most in the whole video but it was enough to make me think of this song every morning I crossed that bridge at 5:30 in the morning. Cold enough to need a jacket, barely any cars around, not that greatly lit.

Is there reason for this post? Not really. Other than I heard a song and it reminded me of this. And that I actually kind of miss making that trek.

Kind of. Seriously. 3 hour bus rides to work (and another 3 back) wasn’t all that fun.

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