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Dream: Dream Dream

I have a happen of waking up in the middle of the night. A lot. Since I wake up some much, I figured I’d take the opportunity to tweet about the dreams I’ve been having since I don’t ever seem to remember them. So what have I been dreaming about in the past week?

Tuesday Night / Wednesday Morning

  • nighttime, neighborhood on fire, police helicopters, being electrocuted. Guess it was more of a nightmare.
  • Christmastime, hating my oldest brother, challenged to make Christmas tree as tall as possible, something about Red Vines? 

Wednesday Night / Thursday Morning

  • in hurricane, can see wind whipping outside, make it to supermarket in eye of storm, stuck there, convincing crying kid to safety,
  • hanging at outdoor pizza place + washateria combo discussing video games. 

Thursday Night / Friday Morning

  • It was about work. Nothing negative but it purely was about a routine day at work. I can’t escape!
  • at grocery store with friends. One starts chugging cold medicine. Didn’t get last chocolate croissant. Something about hot peppers.
  • Super Bowl program (booklet sold at game) contained nudie pics. Tried to play off as info for broadcasters only? This one was odd. 

Friday Night / Saturday Morning

  • In some kind of Harry Potter like school? Had to get my car keys from someone. Cuddled with someone on their floor.
  • part of team accessing EU to secret archive, walkie talkies, scuba diving, and a mall all on a wet night.

Saturday Night / Sunday Morning

  • I don’t remember and I just woke up from it. I know I was having one. Weird. 
  • College campus commons area? Talk of secret formations. Must save people to form larger team. This one was all over the place.
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