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Dream: Milk Jugs and Record Deals

Brother and I coming back from picking up milk at grocery store. Pull out of busy shopping center. Lady pulls out in front of us. Somehow no longer in cars but in aU-turn lane but with grocery carts? Brother grabs something from lady’s cart and throws it on the ground. I apologize to the lady but also explain why she’s still in the wrong.

My brother and I make our way across the lanes (?) to our turn but we’ll still on foot. Both with a half gallon jug of milk in hands. 

We’re late for a meeting with an executive about the release of a J-Pop/J-Rock album. The area is reminiscent of a business park area back in my hometown. Only the side streets are incredibly long to cross for some reason.

We get to the office and apologize. The executive is mad and sends my brother off. He goes off to get the car.

The exec is mad about the numbers for an album that hasn’t officially released. I try to explain that. Appears we need to release the album at that moment at Apple’s demands. We’re working on ideas about it’s release. The lead singer for the band is there working on lyrics for something. (The last track?) He has an idea for lyrics but no accompanying instrumental. I my head out of the office and yell at Colin Hay to hop in for a moment to help.

That’s pretty much it.

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