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Travis Tubbs:, domains for sale

Is your name Travis Tubbs? Would you like to have your own personalized domain name? Good news for you! I’m selling and!

As we near the end of the year, I’m looking through the different things I own and figuring out what I can dump. I’ve been quite happy with my own domain of and have been using it for years. In those early years, I had to register as some people didn’t realize there are other top-level domains other than .com. As I grew my portfolio of sites, I transitioned into a hub and added for my personal blog.

At this time, I feel .net is still the strongest of my domains. .com doesn’t receive any redirected traffic and .me is barely used since most of my thoughts are posted to social networks. So instead of hoarding those domains to myself, I figured I’d give the other Travis Tubbs’ out there a chance to own one of these domains. (Come on. You know you do vanity searches on your own name.) Now, I could let these domains expire on their own, but then some domain reseller would pick it up and want a bazillion dollars for it.

So, just how much am I selling these for? Whatever you think is fair. I’m not here to extort money out of anyone. I just want people to have a personalized domain name. Besides, don’t you think [email protected] or [email protected] looks a lot better than [email protected]?

If you’re interested, you can find my contact details on my Google+ profile.

(Of course, if a domain reseller does offer me a bazillion dollars, I might be weak to that offer…) 😛

Published inBlog