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Tag: dreams

Dream: All in a Day’s Sleep

I’ve gone back to working in our office in the first time since the beginning of the year. It’s been a while since i’ve been around people, so between that, doing a bit of physical work throughout the week, and some bad sleep patterns, I took the rest of Friday afternoon off so I could rest.

And it somehow led to quite a number of dreams throughout the afternoon…

Note: These are only the bits I can remember. I’m sure there was more as some of these things seem disconnected and missing “plot points.”


A senior in high school starting the new year. Assigned PE as one of my classes even though I’ve completed my requirements. Wander around school to find the gym is off in its own parking lot. It’s a foggy day and somehow the gym blends in with the fog. There’s a lone person in the parking lot just sitting there. I don’t bother the person and return to the main campus.

It’s lunch time and I remember I haven’t ate yet. When I get to the cafeteria, they’ve already closed up and the tables are being put away. Figured I’d just look for the office so I can get this PE thing sorted.

A couple of girls (I guess I know?) cheerfully push me toward an office and into a line. I ask what the line is for. Turns out it’s some kind of store as there are cashiers, snacks, and other things being sold. I tell them I need to talk to an office admin instead.

That’s all I remember.


I’m driving up to Canada for reasons. Somehow the trip is only 12-15 hours from Austin. Sure. One of my brothers is with me alone for the ride for reasons that aren’t explained.

I’m hanging out with people at a miniature golf course. It appears one of them had taking a liking to me. However, I didn’t feel the same way. So I had to let her know.

The trip is winding down. I tell my brother we need to get up at 3 in the morning so we can start driving back home. I’m trying to pack but having trouble finding all of my clothes.

As we’re leaving, I come to find out (pretty easily) that the person I rejected earlier isn’t taking it very well. Eventually, there are jets attacking and a giant robot version of her looking to extract revenge. Instead of hanging around to try and calm the situation, my brother and I just leave saying she’ll understand.


I’m trying to get into a country club or some other fancy place. But in order to get in, I need to avoid a pack of various household animals. (Dogs, cats, and hamsters, I think?) The place is on the top of a hill that I have to climb up. At the same time, I need to ensure I don’t let the animals anywhere near.

As I’m making my way to the entrance, I’m trying to slowly sneak through high grass without being noticed. It wasn’t working as I start seeing a number of various animals running from different directions toward the place’s front door. I hop down the hill to hid until it looks safe to try again.

I attempt another time and make it closer to the front door, but they spotted me again. I see a pipe/pole/drain I can slide down to get away again. It’s covered in peanut butter for some reason.

I eventually make it into the place without issue, but I’m covered in peanut butter.


I’m at a wedding reception or something similar. People are giving speeches for the newlyweds. Out of nowhere, Jay Leno starts walking up to the mic. But Jay is looking a little different. He’s put on quite a few more pounds since people have last seen him, some calling him Violet Beauregarde (from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory) as he’s also dressed jeans, blue button up shirt, and a denim jacket.

Dream: A Trip to the Mall

I have no idea what I ate or drank or saw last night before bed, but it definitely fueled this oddball journey.

I was driving to a shopping mall for reasons. During the drive, the road does a weird split around some kind of concrete column. As I merge around it, I don’t notice someone on their bike and almost run him off the road.

As I get closer to the mall, a sandstorm starts engulfing the mall. Everyone, including myself, act like it’s nothing and go about their day.

Somehow, the guy on the bike from earlier catches up with me at the shopping center. Needless to say, he had a few words for me. I explained my side of the story. We both realize nobody was really at fault as it was just a crappy setup for the street. (Seriously, why is there a random concrete column on a street?)

We get to talking more. He’s a really cool guy. We keep talking until we get to a group of his friends. Appears they’re all waiting for school to start, which is also in the shopping mall? I’m definitely nowhere as cool as the others in the group, they recognize that, but still treated me nicely. We go our separate ways.

As I’m walking through the mall, I run into a few of my friends working a few random jobs. (Which aren’t their actual jobs in real life.) Matt is selling chocolates from a cart, Stacey is offering free samples in front of a restaurant, and Krunchy was dressed up as Elsa from Frozen. (Without me even saying a word, she immediately told me “Don’t ask” in a tone that told me she didn’t do this on her own accord.)

As I’m walking through the food court, I walk pass Putin. For some reason, I knew he took my phone and I wanted it back. (I have no idea when my phone was taken from me.) He hands me a phone and I’m on my way. I then realized it wasn’t my phone. If anything, it seems like an old purple iPod mini that was also a phone? I go back to him and ask him for my actual phone. I get it back from him and go on my way.

I realize I need to get back up a floor to get back to my car but couldn’t find stairs or an elevator. I found a place selling REALLY big mattresses. They were so big and bouncy, you could hop up a couple of them to get to another floor. I watched the salespeople demonstrate the beds, told them I enjoyed the entertainment, and went on my way.

As I was leaving, the sandstorm from earlier was now a snowstorm. There was snow and ice all over the place. I happened to run into the Completionist as well, who was wearing only a shirt and shorts, no prepared for this weather at all. I mention the snow and how it’s a bit chilly all of a sudden. He gives me a very sarcastic “Ya think!?”

As we’re talking, I see some more friends leaving the mall as well. He quickly mentions for me to distract them so he can get away from a couple of them that have been hounding him. (The two he pointed out I didn’t recognize but were part of my friend group?)

I run up to my friends, give them a “hey!” and ask how they’re doing. They’re carrying out camera equipment and the like as they were doing some kind of shoot at the mall. I followed Brandt to one of the cars as they loaded up the equipment. We see another car next to them that had tapped into another, likely from sliding on the snow. It didn’t look too bad.

We turn around to see Bryce leaving in a SUV. Somehow not too long after driving off, he starts sliding on the snow and somehow flips the vehicle onto its roof! I start running to the vehicle yelling his name.

Then I woke up.

Dream Chronicle #201308120905

Oh boy! Another dream I partially remember!

The parts I could remember were…
– This seems to have taken place at +Stephanie Freeman and +Russell Freeman place.
– Steph getting in a car where the steering wheel and pedals were in back seat on the passenger side.
– That same car look like it was made of pieces of sheet metal or cardboard, thus flopping down as the “vehicle” moved.
– Her being mad at me for even thinking of offering to drive to wherever we were going instead.
– Running into Steph’s parents. Her mom was not happy with me because I don’t stop by and say “Hi”.
– I don’t remember Russ saying anything. I think he was showing off some games in a crate.

What started all of this? I have no idea. Feeling guilty about something? A reply to a purposely trolling tweet?

There was another dream in which my car was stuck in reverse in a mall parking lot, my brakes not working, and being attacked by runaway parade floats.

Oh brain. You so weird.