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“You are the weakest link…”

Have you ever noticed on television shows that involves a group of people or friends, there’s at least one person that doesn’t quite fit in with the rest but he or she is still considered a friend by all? And have you noticed how that one person is always the butt of a joke or caught in some kind of mischief?

It hurts when you are told you’re the as-described weakest member of a group. Of course, it doesn’t hurt as bad when you already know this. Being the weakest member, you do nothing about it and just take it all in. Sure, you may get in some kind of witty remark every now and then, but it seems the jokes should be left to others.

It’s bothersome enough to know you’re this weak link, but to also know that you aren’t like the others in your group of friends… well, simply put, it sucks. But that doesn’t change one’s mind about how they feel about their friends. No matter what kind of grief they give you, it’s nice to know they’ll still be there no matter what.

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